Monday 27 October 2014

Chocolate rum balls

The very rich rum balls can be served as a dessert or as a light snack. They are easy and quick to make.
The rums balls need brownie/chocolate cake, it is your choice if you want to make a brownie at home or get some from the market.
I am writing a simple recipe for flour-less chocolate brownie, which i totally recommend.

For the brownie


75g unsalted butter, chopped, plus extra to grease
250g dark chocolate, chopped
15g cocoa powder
2tsp vanilla extract/essence
250g caster sugar
4 large eggs
100g ground almonds


Preheat oven to 180°C .
Melt the chocolate and butter in a large pan over a low heat, stirring occasionaly.
Whisk in the eggs, one at a time, before stirring in the ground almonds. 
Scrape into the prepared tin and level. 
Bake for 25-30min or until firm to the touch. 
Leave to cool completely in tin. 
Chill for at least 1hr before cutting into squares.

For the Ganache


100 ml - Cream
100gm - chocolate, sliced


In a double boiler heat the cream, don't let it boil.
Add the sliced chocolate and stir continuously to avoid lumps.


In a bowl put the brownie and crumble it into small pieces.
Pour the ganache and mix it till it becomes a dough.
Take portions of the dough and make them in the shape of a ball, remember to be gentle on it.
Now if you want to add rum to these balls, with the help of a syringe inject a shot of rum in these balls. Don't overfill it with rum as it would ruin the taste.
Before platting, dust some icing sugar on these balls.

Enjoy your chocolate rum balls chilled.

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