Friday 31 October 2014

Cream of mushroom soup

The creamiest mushroom soup that tastes just like the canned stuff – except it’s so much healthier, creamier, tastier and also saves time.


20 mushrooms - sliced or chopped
2 tsp butter
2 tsp corn flour
black pepper
1 cup milk or 3/4 cup cream


In a large pan heat the butter and add the corn flour, keep stirring until it turns golden.
Add the mushrooms and saute them, add 2-3 tsp of milk or cream. Cook them till they start forming a paste.
Quickly blend this mixture.
Add the milk or cream, salt, pepper and oregano. Keep stirring to avoid formation of lumps.
Serve with a pinch of fresh basil on it.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Penne in white sauce / White sauce pasta

The very famous pasta in white sauce which everyone loves to eat is on my list today. I hope this recipe helps in making the delicious white sauce pasta.


Penne pasta - 2 cups
Milk - 1 and half cups
Corn flour - 2 tsp
Butter - 2 tsp
Vegetables - Mushroom, capsicum, jalapeno, olives
Fresh herbs - Basil, oregano - According to taste
Salt - According to taste
Black pepper - According to taste.


Boil the penne with 1tsp salt and 1tsp oil.
When the pasta is half cooked, add the vegetables and boil till the pasta is cooked completely.
In a pan melt the butter and add corn flour. Stir continuously till this mixtures turn golden.
Pour half cup milk in to it and stir continuously, till all the lumps are dissolved.
When the mixture starts boiling pour a cup of milk and keep stirring.
Put in the herbs, salt, black pepper.
Now add the boiled pasta and vegetables.
You could garnish it with some grated cheese if you like,

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Butter Chicken

The one butter chicken recipe you would love.

The classic Indian / Punjabi recipe. Butter chicken is the must have dish in every non-vegetarian's mind.When you talk to non-Indians about Indian food, one of the few dishes they immediately recall is Butter Chicken. They always know Butter Chicken. Butter Chicken Masala is probably one of the most popular Indian chicken recipes liked by  all for its mild flavour and deliciously rich gravy.


250 gm of boneless chicken, cubed
2 onions, minced
1 tomato, pureed
1 tbsp of tomato paste or sauce
1 tbsp of butter, ghee, or oil
1 tsp of minced garlic
1 tsp of minced ginger
2 tsp of coriander powder
1 tsp of red chilli powder 
1 tsp of garam masala or chicken masala
1 large pinch of kasuri methi / dried fenugreek leaves
1 cup of milk
3 tbsp of cream or pureed cashew paste (soak and grind cashew nuts)
1-2 tsp salt (according to taste)
1/4 tsp of turmeric powder
coriander leaves, for garnish


Heat the butter in a pan and add the onions. Fry until golden brown
Add the ginger, garlic, coriander, red chilli powder, turmeric, and salt. Fry for a minute.
Add the pureed tomato and tomato paste and cook for 3-4 mins.
Add in the kasuri methi, milk, and the cubed chicken. Cook covered for 8-10 mins until the chicken is soft. The chicken will let out more water, just check once or twice in between and give the curry a stir. Keep the flame low.
When the chicken is cooked soft, open the lid and cook for a further minute or two. If the gravy is too thick, add some water at this stage.
When done, add the garam masala or chicken masala and the cream or cashew paste(you can even add both if you want to keep the gravy rich). Give it a good stir, but don't boil.
Adjust salt, garnish with the coriander leaves, and remove from the flame.
Serve hot with tawa naan, vegetable pulao, or jeera rice.

Monday 27 October 2014

Chocolate rum balls

The very rich rum balls can be served as a dessert or as a light snack. They are easy and quick to make.
The rums balls need brownie/chocolate cake, it is your choice if you want to make a brownie at home or get some from the market.
I am writing a simple recipe for flour-less chocolate brownie, which i totally recommend.

For the brownie


75g unsalted butter, chopped, plus extra to grease
250g dark chocolate, chopped
15g cocoa powder
2tsp vanilla extract/essence
250g caster sugar
4 large eggs
100g ground almonds


Preheat oven to 180°C .
Melt the chocolate and butter in a large pan over a low heat, stirring occasionaly.
Whisk in the eggs, one at a time, before stirring in the ground almonds. 
Scrape into the prepared tin and level. 
Bake for 25-30min or until firm to the touch. 
Leave to cool completely in tin. 
Chill for at least 1hr before cutting into squares.

For the Ganache


100 ml - Cream
100gm - chocolate, sliced


In a double boiler heat the cream, don't let it boil.
Add the sliced chocolate and stir continuously to avoid lumps.


In a bowl put the brownie and crumble it into small pieces.
Pour the ganache and mix it till it becomes a dough.
Take portions of the dough and make them in the shape of a ball, remember to be gentle on it.
Now if you want to add rum to these balls, with the help of a syringe inject a shot of rum in these balls. Don't overfill it with rum as it would ruin the taste.
Before platting, dust some icing sugar on these balls.

Enjoy your chocolate rum balls chilled.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Chocolate samosa

The old and very famous Indian snack with a chocolaty twist. Don't worry it will be low on calories as we will bake the samosa instead of deep frying.


Flour (maida) - 150 gm.
Carom seeds (ajwain) - 1 tsp
Sugar - powdered - 2 tsp
Chocolate - sliced - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Water - 1 cup
Saffron - just a pinch


Take the flour, carom seeds and powdered sugar in a bowl and knead them, till it becomes a complete dough. (you can use ghee/ water for kneading the dough.)  
Take small parts of the dough and roll them till they flatten (like you do to make a roti).
Cut it into two halves and fill it with chocolate and close it in the shape of a samosa.(don't fill too much of chocolate inside.)
Put your samosas on a baking tray and lightly spread some butter and ghee on it.
Bake the samosas in the oven at 200C for about 12-15 minutes.
Till then prepare the sugar syrup. In a pan heat sugar and water till it becomes a clear solution, avoid overheating of the sugar. Add the saffron in it.
When your samosas turn golden brown and are completely baked, dip them in the sugar syrup.
Pour some chocolate syrup on them and serve hot.

Crispy Honey/Chilli potatoes

The famous crispy chili potatoes that you all love to eat, this recipe will help you make the traditional potatoes at home in less than half an hour.


4 large potatoes
2 tsp Corn flour
5-6 cloves of garlic - 
2 tsp red chili sauce
red chili flakes
oil for deep frying
half a cup tomato pure/tomato sauce
2 onions - sliced
1 capsicum - sliced
2 spring onions - chopped
fresh coriander 
4-5 tsp honey
Pinch full sesame seeds


Wash the potatoes and peel them.
Slice them as you normally do it for french fries.
In a bowl add the corn flour, chili sauce, chili flakes, grated garlic and some water to make a smooth paste.
Marinate the potatoes in the above mixture and deep fry them until the become golden-brown.
In a pan heat some oil(2-3 tsp), add the sliced onions, spring onions and capsicum one by one. Saute them until they are cooked. 
Now add the tomato pure, honey,salt and pepper. Continuously stir them.
Add the potatoes that you fried.
Garnish them with the sesame seeds and some chopped coriander.
Serve hot.

About me

Hi, I am just an ordinary person, who really loves cooking and eating, in other words I am a big foodie. I am currently studying biotechnology. Nineteen years old and live in New Delhi but have a dream of settling abroad with a nice restaurant chain. I will be posting daily recipes of different kind of dishes from all kinds of cuisines.

Jalaj Bhayana